The formulation of human resources strategy and policies specialists
should act as advisors to and educators of top management. It is
important that all of general management, and most especially top
management, are human resources literate. But being a general manager
usually means being literate about a lot of stuff and an expert on
rather little, and unless the CEO or the division (or business unit or
regional) chief has a human resources background, she is unlikely to be a
working force expert. Some of human resources management is pretty
straightforward common sense. Take, for instance, the design and
redesign of performance appraisal systems. Given the number of different
goals that performance appraisal serves, it is common sense how to
achieve an appropriate balance. It's even harder to anticipate all the
feedback effects that a change in performance appraisal practices will
Perhaps most subtle of all is the notion that change in
performance appraisal for its own sake may have benefits. Or, to take a
somewhat more mundane but still very critical aspect of staffing and
recruiting, consider job interviews: Should they be unstructured, so
that a skillful interviewer can follow leads that develop in the course
of the interview; or should they follow a script, so that there is a
firmer basis for the inevitable cross-person comparisons that follow
interviews? Should they be conducted one-on-one, which may encourage the
candidate to relax; or many-on-one, to reduce interviewer caprice? The
general point is that a specialist - someone who follows the literature
on human resources management and is educated to appreciate the nuanced
conclusions of human resources research - can help find answers to
questions that general managers have and, even, to recognize important
questions that might not otherwise have occurred to the general manager.
even when the CEO or division chief is highly human resources literate,
the conflicting demands on that person to pay attention to marketing,
finance, operations, and so on are likely to mean that he or she won't
have the time to follow the latest thinking on the subject, or even to
devote careful thought to these issues. A staff that concentrates on
this matters-not to the exclusion of other matters, but with human
resources on the front burner all the time-is important, as long as the
chief doesn't abdicate her decision-making authority (or the authority
of the executive committee) on these issues.
A good example of
this role being enacted by specialists is provided by the vice president
for human resources in a prominent, high-technology global corporation,
who recently gave a presentation to a group of managers participating
in an internal management development program. The company, which had
grown at an astounding rate, was less than two decades old, founded very
much along the "engineering" model. The firm had been at the cutting
edge of a number of major technological developments in computers and
networking, and it had been able to attract extremely talented technical
personnel by offering opportunities to work at the technical frontier.
The company also offered extremely generous and comprehensive benefits,
financial and otherwise. Yet as the company had grown and matured, it
had inevitably lost some of its initial "start-up" allure, and its
innovations had prompted heightened competition from other leading
technology companies. The head of human resources had become
increasingly concerned about how the firm would continue to attract and
retain the technical elite.
Accordingly, he commissioned a
comprehensive and carefully designed survey of current and former
employees, as well as information obtained from prospective employees,
designed to answer the question: What differentiates this firm in the
labor market and what are the dimensions on which it can be the employer
of choice in a world of increasingly fierce competition for technical
stars? According to the director for human resources, after they
methodically analyzed the data, the answer came back loud and clear
about what distinguished his company from competitors in the labor
market: absolutely nothing. As a result, the head of human resources
persuaded senior management at this company to launch an initiative
aimed at redefining the company's culture and human resources practices
around the idea of being a "career" employer. He believes this will give
the company a competitive edge against other technology firms, which
have tended to deemphasize commitments to their employees and play up
the notion that individual employees must be responsible for their own
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