Blog-Chic. In today's internet age, a blog can really go the distance. Many fashion students, marketing students and students learning any number of other design-related trades are even required to learn the art of blogging in school. In a personal fashion blog, you can find pictures you like, links that highlight the hottest trends, video clips from runway shows or designer interviews and post them all to your very own site. You can also use graphic design to create a background and a look for your blog itself. Therefore, it creates a multi-faceted outlet for visual communication, not to mention in presents onlookers with a detailed look into the world of your personal taste. Never know who might be impressed with your blog!
Look at my Lookbook. A lookbook is a collection of photographs compiled to showcase any number of elements relation to fashion design. To name a few purposes, a lookbook can show off the work of a photographer, designer, stylist or model. Often, professionals working in the fashion industry, use their lookbooks to convey in a short, concise way, all of the immense skills they are capable of. Thus, there is great importance placed on the way a lookbook looks. This is a classic example of visual communication at its most important within the industry.
How much is that fox-fur in the window? Yet another crucial example of the importance of visual communication? A store's front window display. Retailers and marketing experts use front window displays to highlight specific images that are designed to wet a customer's appetite for shopping and draw them into a store. Often, displays focus on a central element or theme. Perhaps it's highlighting one specific article of clothing like a swimsuit, or maybe it's conveying the feeling of a whole season, like a winter display. Unarguably, window displays are a vital visual tool in the world of fashion merchandising.
Through these examples and many more, aspects of visual communication become evident as they relates to fashion design, both literally and on its business side.
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