Making money is so easy with the power and information of product creation is highly profitable and easy business,the rate of the information products is dynamic and it should be altered according to the market trend.This is the area where the newbie fails to concentrate.There is a strong belief that information products have a fixed value.
But the truth is not so. Actually, the price tag of the information products can be altered according to the market situation. The rate is also based on the time you sell. If there is more demand for that product, then you can increase the rate. How to increase the value of your information products? Here are some simple tips.
Let me take you on a ride on PRODUCT CREATION :
Step 1 - Make a list of 7 tips - Create a list of 7 tips you would give an ideal client on a particular topic in your niche. Then add 50 or so words for each tip. This will be the introduction to your info product.
Step 2 - Write a 300 - 500 word article for each tip - You already began each article when you added 50 or so words in Step One. So just keep it going and explain how to use the tip, give examples, perhaps even a quick little case study. No just do this 6 more times and you will have 7 sections of chapters for your info product.
Step 3 - Bundle all 8 - You've got the original list of 7 tips that is your introduction. You've got a 300 - 500 word article for each tip. These are your sections or chapters. Bundle them all together, call it a short report, a small ebook, a mini-guide, etc. and you have your info product ready to go.
Step 4 - Rinse and Repeat - This is the step most people leave out that keeps them from creating an information empire. Master this process and do it over and over. Once you know how to do this, you can do it over and over again as often as you want
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